Planning a Summer Vacation?
10 Travel Tips You Need to Know!

1. Keep a change of clothes, essential toiletries, and your medications in your carry-on.

Has the airline ever lost your luggage? If it’s happened to you, you will never forget it. The bottom line is to be prepared. If your bags are lost or delayed, the last think you want to do is waste time at your vacation destination hunting down underwear and toiletries, and finding the nearest pharmacy to replace your daily medications.

2. Pack your hat like a pro.

Ever traveled with a hat, only to unzip your suitcase and find it crumpled up like a piece of paper? You need a hat to protect you from the sun, so don’t leave it behind because you’re worried about crushing it. When packing, simply place a piece of clothing in the crown for support (like a t-shirt), lay it flat in bottom of your suitcase, and pack around it.

3. Remember the baby wipes.

Sometimes there will be spills. Sometimes there will be long layovers. Avoid feeling icky and bring along a travel pack of handi-wipes or baby wipes for a quick clean slate.

4. Invest in a hard suitcase.

Ever arrived at your destination and found something broken inside your suitcase? Buying a hard case could be the best investment you ever make. No more broken camera gear, no more exploding toiletries, and no more worries.

5. Do not forget dry shampoo.

As our female customers can attest, dry shampoo can save lives…. or at least your hair.

6. Pack earplugs.

Muffle the sounds on a flight, escape from the noisy hotel room next door, or cancel out a snoring travel companion. Earplugs are a traveler’s best friend.

7. Try to relax. Remember, you’re on vacation.

You’ll be surprised how much better an experience you’ll have if you try your best to be patient and flexible. Remember, life is not what happens to you, but how you react to it!

8. Drink plenty of water.

It might seem like an obvious one but we’re all guilty of not drinking enough water daily… especially when we travel. Stick to the rule of not drinking anything BUT water, or if you do, drink one water for every other beverage you intake.

9. Have a plan for sickness.

If you’re prone to illness, or if you’re spending more than a few weeks away, chances are you will feel a bit under the weather at some point in your journey. When that happens, it’s so important to be prepared. Have your bag backed with OTC essentials and, if you are prone to motion sickness, ask your doctor for a prescription before you leave.

10. Wear sunscreen.

If you don’t do anything else, please wear sunscreen. Even when it’s cloudy, your skin is exposed to harmful UV rays. Not sure what to buy? Check out our previous blog on how to choose the right sunscreen.

We wish you safe travels as you venture out this summer! Remember to stop into Brodie Lane Pharmacy before you go, to ensure you have adequate supply of your daily medications as well as all your travel essentials. Savor your time off!