Most of us start the New Year off with great resolutions on how to improve our health. Unfortunately, by the end of January, those resolutions have been pushed aside and we are right back to our old ways. Here are some suggestions on how to break the cycle of failed resolutions and start being successful.


Pick the Right Resolution

Set a goal that’s doable and personal. Don’t write a long list of things you want to change in your life. Spend some time identifying what is really important to you. Be specific and measurable. Saying, “I want to eat healthier” is too general. “I want to eat 3 different vegetables every day” is a better-defined goal for achievable resolution. 



Create Momentum

One small change will lead to another. If you find that you are easily eating your 3 vegetables a day, see if you can build upon that. Try enhancing your original goal of eating 3 vegetables a day to adding vegetables at every meal. Building upon small changes leads to lasting changes to keep your resolution. 


Find A Community

You don’t need to tackle your goals alone. Seek out groups online, ask a friend to be your accountability partner and share your goals with friends and family. The more support you have, the easier it will be to stick to your plan. Want to find a group to support your health resolutions? Check out our Facebook group!