You have undoubtedly shopped at a pharmacy chain before. You probably find that your experience at a chain in New York City is going to be pretty much the same as at one you find in Topeka, Kansas. The same services, the same products — nothing unique to your neighborhood and community.

And that is exactly why you should choose an independent pharmacy.


4 reasons to choose an independent pharmacy:


1. Services designed for YOUR community

Whether you live in a large urban area or a small, rural area, you know that your needs are unique. Rather than offering the services and products some faraway corporate office dictates, locally owned independent pharmacies are free to offer what meets their community’s needs. Examples of services that might be offered by an independent pharmacy include (and are included at Brodie Lane Pharmacy):

  • Local delivery
  • Medicare Part D consultations
  • Compliance packaging
  • Medication synchronization
  • Flu shots or other immunizations
  • Diabetes services
  • Medication therapy management (MTM)
  • Medication flavoring
  • Compounding


2. A pharmacist who knows your name

Why do pharmacists choose to be independent? Because customer service is important to them. Independent pharmacists want to be free to spend time to get to know their customers. Being an independent pharmacist gives them the freedom to serve their community and their patients, without being required to fit parameters and meet sales quotas. They are neighbors, friends, even family.

Which explains why independent pharmacies have been at the top of the list for customer satisfaction as ranked by J.D. Power in each of the last five years. Because in this digital age, when it comes to your health, a personal touch matters.


3. Working for your community — because it’s theirs, too

Choosing your local independent pharmacy is supporting a locally owned small business, and that, in turn, helps your community. And like many small business owners, independent pharmacies are known for giving back, from offering education classes, to sponsoring their local Little League team, to donating to local charities.


4. Working to keep your healthcare affordable

It is easy to assume that chains offer better pricing based on volume, but research shows independents again come out on top. Consumer Reports sent secret shoppers to 150 different pharmacies to compare the pricing on five common prescriptions. From the independent pharmacies, the total cost averaged $107 for all five medications. Compare that to the three largest chains, who offered the same medications at a range of $752 to as high as $928!

And did you know that an independent pharmacist is more than twice as likely to suggest a less expensive prescription option and will even reach out to your physician to discuss the alternative? If you are looking for maximum savings on your prescriptions, talk to your local independent pharmacist.


We’re here to help

Brodie Lane Pharmacy is independent, locally owned, and proud to serve our community. Whatever your healthcare needs, we are here for you!



Nothing herein constitutes medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or is a substitute for professional advice. You should always seek the advice of your physician or other medical professional if you have questions or concerns about a medical condition.