I always think of the 1993 movie “Groundhog Day” on this holiday. Bill Murray plays a weatherman that is stuck in a time loop, repeating the day over and over. This movie is a great reminder to take a look at our own lives. Do you have patterns of behavior that you repeat?

  • Use food to cope with stress?
  • Frequently on social media instead of completing difficult tasks?
  • Setting high expectations but feeling like you never reach them?
  • Recognize an addiction to work, alcohol, drugs, food, sex, exercise, etc?

What is the underlying root of these patterns? Bill Murray’s character has an opportunity to make changes in his life. By looking at your own patterns you can make positive changes in your life too. Here are 3 ways to get started.

Embrace Change

If something isn’t going well in your life, make a change. Just because you have been on one path, it doesn’t mean you have to stay there. Knowing when something isn’t working is a valuable skill.

Be Yourself

Instead of struggling to fit in, embrace your uniqueness. When you utilize your strengths, it will be easier to accomplish your goals.

Define What Success Means To You

Success may mean enough money to retire or making a healthy dinner and eating as a family. Realign your priorities to support what true success really means for you.


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