We know that diets don’t work—healthy lifelong habits are what will help you achieve lasting weight loss,  maintenance, and wellness.
Celebrate National Healthy Weight Week by dropping the diet and picking up a few healthy habits instead.
Try a new habit each day this week!

#1: Focus on positive lifestyle changes.

Stock your fridge with healthy foods, make a space in your home for exercise, surround yourself with people who support and encourage you. 

#2: Erase negative thoughts and begin positive self-talk

“I am beautiful.” “I am strong.” are great mantras to start the day.

#3: Enjoy your eating experience by eating a variety of foods.

Focus on fresh, whole foods and enjoy each bite. 

#4: Do not diet or obsess over your weight or calories.

Ditch the scale! Eat when hungry, stop when full.

#5: Make exercise part of your daily routine.

Take a walk or turn up the tunes and dance.

#6: Get plenty of sleep.

Getting the right amount of sleep boosts your metabolism allowing you to burn more calories throughout the day.

#7: Relax

Take time out for yourself without feeling guilty.

If you enjoy Healthy Weight Week, don’t stop at one week, make lasting lifestyle changes forever!

Interested in learning more about making healthy lifestyle changes? Get in touch with me, Certified Health Coach, Paige Newman.