New Year’s Eve parties are filled with good food and drinks. It’s easy to over-indulge and wake up miserable the next day. The major problem with drinking too much is dehydration. Let’s talk about some strategies to enjoy New Year’s Eve AND leave you ready to start a brand new year.

On New Year’s Eve…

Eating slows down the absorption of alcohol so you have more time to metabolize what you’re drinking. Eat a meal that includes fats and carbs to line the stomach and replace sugars that the body needs for fuel. Some great pre-party options are whole grains, fatty fish and water packed fruit and vegetables like watermelon, lettuce, and cucumbers.

Alcohol strips water from the body. Alternating between an alcoholic beverage and water will prevent dehydration.



On New Year’s Day…

Start the day with exercise. If the weather is nice, go for a walk, hike or bike ride. If you aren’t able to get out, try some indoor activities. Have a plank or push-up contest with your family, clear some space and do a yoga flow or get some cardio in with jumping jacks and burpees.

This homemade lemon ginger electrolyte drink is the perfect beverage to sip on all day to help you replenish from the previous night’s party and remain hydrate as you move into the new year.

Lemon Ginger Electrolyte Drink

4 servings



½ cup fresh lemon juice

2 tablespoons lime juice

2 tablespoons honey

1/4 teaspoon sea salt

1/4 teaspoon baking soda

1 piece of fresh ginger, peeled

6 cups mineral water


  1. Grate ginger and place in a fine-mesh strainer. Push on the solids so that the juice drains into a bowl. You want about 1 teaspoon of juice. Discard solids.
  2. Combine the ginger juice with the remaining ingredients.
  3. Pour over ice and enjoy immediately or save it in the fridge for sipping later.

What are your “go-to” tips for having a safe and festive NYE?