Is It an Allergy—or Is It a Cold? Know the Signs.

Spring has sprung. That means spring allergies are “blooming,” too. But sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between a cold and a seasonal allergy. Here are some signs to look for and ways to find relief.

Both colds and allergies can cause sneezing, stuffiness, or a runny nose. But there are telltale differences between a cold and seasonal allergy.

Ask yourself these five questions to find out if you are suffering from a cold or allergies.

The more times you answer “yes,” the greater the chance the culprit is a seasonal allergy.

1. Are plants starting to flower or leaves starting to fall?

A change of season means this is more likely an allergy—your body’s response to airborne allergens, such as pollen. Birch, cedar, cottonwood, and pine are also big allergy triggers in the spring. Colds are most common in winter months and are caused by viruses that show up in any environment.

2. Did your symptoms appear suddenly and last more than a week?

Cold symptoms tend to appear more gradually but go away more quickly.

3. Are your eyes watery and itchy?

Allergens can inflame the clear membrane covering your inner eyelid and eyeball.

4. Are you free of a fever?

Allergies don’t cause fevers, but colds can.

5. Is the nasal discharge thin and clear?

By contrast, a thick, yellow or green discharge may accompany a cold.

Allergy Relief Aids

So right about now, you may be thinking: But how do I get relief? I can advise you about over-the-counter (OTC) remedies. Antihistamines treat symptoms such as sneezing and itchy nose or throat. Nasal or oral decongestants can help with nasal stuffiness. Eye drops relieve itchiness.

Just when you’re itching to get outdoors after a long winter, you may be better off limiting your outdoor activities on days with high pollen counts or windy days. It also helps to take an evening shower to keep pollen off your pillow. Likewise, at the end of the day, wipe off any pets that have been outdoors. And, take off your shoes before coming inside to keep from tracking in pollen.

Please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions you have about side effects or how long you can safely use medicines or others questions about colds and allergies.

Nothing herein constitutes medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or is a substitute for professional advice.  You should always seek the advice of your physician or other medical professional if you have questions or concerns about a medical condition.