What is National Compliment Day?

On January 24, celebrate National Compliment Day by going all out with praise. The power of a compliment is pretty remarkable: either giving or receiving one can boost your happiness and confidence — making the act a win-win. You never know when someone could use some good vibes, so spread the positivity by giving someone a reason to smile!

To give a great compliment, always be sincere. Strive to compliment what makes a person stand out above the rest. Take the time to reflect on what you admire about the person.

Compliments aren’t just beneficial to the receiver. Here are three ways they can boost your health and happiness too.

  1. Smiling burns calories
    Smiling often leads to laughing and laughing burns even more calories.
  1. Giving compliments is a form of leadership
    People love to be around positive people and will be more likely to follow your example and listen to your ideas.
  2. Compliments boost your self-confidence
    Giving a genuine compliment requires us to look for the good in others. In doing so, we also start to see the good in ourselves. We realize that we are all on the same journey together and that each of us has value to share with the world.

Have you given a compliment today? Try it and see how it makes you feel!

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