Many people say they can’t afford to eat healthily. If you shop smart you can eat nutritious, high-quality food without breaking the bank. Getting the most nutrition for your food budget starts with a little extra planning before you shop. There are many ways to save money on the foods that you eat. Here are some budget-friendly tips for eating right.

  1. Plan what you’re going to eat
    Before you head for the grocery store, plan your meals for the week. When you shop with a list, you will be less likely to buy extra items that are not on it.
  2. Shop for foods that are in season
    Fresh fruits and vegetables that are in season are usually easier to get and maybe a lot less expensive. Your local farmer’s market is also a great source of seasonal produce. Just remember that some fresh fruits and vegetables don’t last long. Buy small amounts at a time to avoid having to throw away spoiled produce.
  3. Try canned or frozen produce
    At certain times of the year, frozen and canned fruits and vegetables may be less expensive than fresh. For canned items, choose fruit canned in 100% fruit juice and vegetables with “low sodium” or “no salt added” on the label.
  4. Focus on nutritious, low-cost foods
    Certain foods tend to be less expensive, so you can make the most of your food dollars by finding recipes that use the following ingredients: beans, peas, and lentils; sweet or white potatoes; eggs; peanut butter; canned salmon, tuna or crabmeat; grains such as oats, brown rice, barley or quinoa; and frozen or canned fruits and vegetables.
  5. Cook more, eat out less
    Many foods prepared at home are cheaper and more nutritious. Also, convenience foods like frozen dinners, pre-cut vegetables, and instant rice or oatmeal will cost you more than if you make them from scratch. Go back to basics and find a few simple and healthy recipes that your family enjoys. You can download our 5-day Health Kickstart here, which is full of healthy recipes


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