Going somewhere warm for spring break? This may be the first time you’ve put on a bathing suit in a few months. That always helps me put a focus on fitness. It’s easy to fit in a quick workout without taking away from a fun vacation.


In the hotel

Bodyweight exercises are great for a hotel room. Try this quick circuit before you head down to the lobby for breakfast. Do 10-15 reps of each exercise. Complete 1-3 rounds.

  • Pushups
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Crunches
  • Tricep dips use a chair or the side of a bathtub)


On the beach

What sounds better than a long walk on a beautiful beach? If you want to up the effort, alternate walking and running. Go for a 30 minute walk or jog each day.

What other ways can you exercise while traveling?

And don’t forget to download our 5-day Health Kickstart here!


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