How to feel your best on NYE 2019

How to feel your best on NYE 2019

New Year’s Eve parties are filled with good food and drinks. It’s easy to over-indulge and wake up miserable the next day. The major problem with drinking too much is dehydration. Let’s talk about some strategies to enjoy New Year’s Eve AND leave you ready to start a...
7 Tips to Stay Healthy Over The Holidays

7 Tips to Stay Healthy Over The Holidays

The holidays can be a source of many special memories…. and also temptation, stress, and oversized expectations. How can you possibly maintain your balance through it all, let alone stay healthy? Check out these 7 tips for a healthier holiday season.   1. Beat...
5 End-of-Year Tips from Your Pharmacist

5 End-of-Year Tips from Your Pharmacist

With the holidays right on the horizon, there’s much to think about and so much to do. Here are a few end-of-year reminders to make sure your health—and your pocketbook— don’t get the short end of the stick.   1. Get Your Flu Shot  If you’re like many people,...