Spring Break–Wahoo!

Going somewhere warm for spring break? This may be the first time you’ve put on a bathing suit in a few months. That always helps me put a focus on fitness. It’s easy to fit in a quick workout without taking away from a fun vacation.   In the hotel Bodyweight...
Healthy Ingredient Spotlight: Tumeric

Healthy Ingredient Spotlight: Tumeric

Turmeric is a root. Like ginger, you can buy Tumeric in the root form in the produce section of the grocery store or ground and dried in the spice section. Both forms have the same impressive health benefits. Tumeric is known for its bright yellow color. When used in...
National Nutrition Month

National Nutrition Month

Many people say they can’t afford to eat healthily. If you shop smart you can eat nutritious, high-quality food without breaking the bank. Getting the most nutrition for your food budget starts with a little extra planning before you shop. There are many ways to save...
Healthy Ingredient Spotlight: Bok Choy

Healthy Ingredient Spotlight: Bok Choy

Bok choy is a leafy green vegetable that is closely related to cabbage. It is an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K and vitamin A. Bok choy is a very good source of folate, calcium and vitamin B6 as well. These nutrients support your bones, skin, eyesight...
Keeping Score: Tracking Your Health Goals

Keeping Score: Tracking Your Health Goals

It seems that everyone has a fitness tracker these days. Whether your goal is as simple as drinking more water or as difficult as trying to quit smoking, keeping track can help you achieve your health goals. You know what you want, now create your personal roadmap to...