Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day

I always think of the 1993 movie “Groundhog Day” on this holiday. Bill Murray plays a weatherman that is stuck in a time loop, repeating the day over and over. This movie is a great reminder to take a look at our own lives. Do you have patterns of behavior that you...
How To Form Healthly Habits

How To Form Healthly Habits

Is it really true that healthy habits can lead to a longer life? And, if so, how much longer? A group of researchers compared the lifespans of thousands of adults and found this: One group exercised at least 30 minutes each day ate a healthy diet, maintained a normal...

The Health Coach Difference

Have you heard of a health coach but not sure what that person does? Let’s learn more about this position and how working with a coach can improve your life. As a health coach, I guide clients to reach health and life goals by making step-by-step changes to food...

3 Ways to Keep Your New Year Resolutions

Most of us start the New Year off with great resolutions on how to improve our health. Unfortunately, by the end of January, those resolutions have been pushed aside and we are right back to our old ways. Here are some suggestions on how to break the cycle of failed...