Have you heard of a health coach but not sure what that person does? Let’s learn more about this position and how working with a coach can improve your life. As a health coach, I guide clients to reach health and life goals by making step-by-step changes to food and lifestyle.

How Does Working With A Health Coach Differ From a Doctor or Nutritionist?


My approach is client-driven.

Instead of getting a one-size-fits-all meal plan based on a cookie-cutter approach or one fad diet, I create customized plans for my clients based on their individual circumstances, lifestyle habits, health condition, and other needs.

My coaching is goal, action and result-oriented.

I focus on implementation and integration so that healthy changes are integrated into your life. We live in the age of information overload – you don’t need more information, you need to know which information to use and how to make them work for your life.

Instead of treating the symptoms, I work with my clients to get to the underlying causes of their health concerns.

We look at how issues such as stress, emotional distress, physical activities, lack of “soul nourishment” etc. affect our overall well-being. I help my clients develop the awareness to improve all areas of their lives.

I support my clients to work with their body on healing itself so that they can eventually reduce the amount of medication that they rely on.

Instead of forcing my clients to stick to some “plan” which does not work for them, I first listen to my clients’ needs and concerns, then work with them to get over blocks or resistance, making any behavioral changes they make stick.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of working with a health coach, sign up for a Free Discovery Session

FREE 5-Day Meal Plan to Kickstart Your Health